about bliss

Saturday, November 13, 2010

100 words: sensuous

I'm participating in a weekly writing challenge: 100 words. Each week, Velvet Verbosity posts a prompt, and participants write 100 words, in any form, that evoke the word. This week's word: pleasure. 

stillness of early morning, the sun rising pink and orange over steely Lake Michigan
laughter, tinkling or guffawing, rising and falling
swirling, sipping a glass of seductive pinot noir
colored leaves, or gentle snowflakes, floating to the ground
swimming in words, lapping through the pages of a thick novel
swaddled in a fleece blanket, pink
four layer cake, white with berry filling and whipped cream, or chocolate, with 
         sticky caramel pecan frosting, savored
samuel barber’s “adagio for strings,” soaring and hollowing
a warm hand pressed in the small of the back
the free-flowing scrawl of a fast-moving pen


  1. Anonymous9:43 AM

    I found myself drowning in sensation after sensation with your words. Thank you for a wonderfully pleasurable experience. ;)

  2. Ah..."Adagio for Strings." By far, one of the most gorgeous pieces of music ever written.

  3. Wow! Pleasure indeed! I esp. like the last line - how much pleasure we receive when the words just flow from our pens. :)

    thanks, dharmagirl!

  4. vivid. I like it a lot.

    Really dig the last two lines.

  5. I am now intensely curious to hear "adagio for strings". Also, for some reason I'm now craving cake. Do you know anything about this?
