Uncommon Grounds, Saugatuck, Michigan
I could spend a great portion of my days in coffee shops, if I had but the time and the money. The heady aroma of coffee seeping into my clothes...the people watching...the aura of introspection. All sustain my interest and stoke my curiosity. Over the holidays, I spent some time in coffee shops with my family, from the Dutch Brothers bakery and Cafe with my Dad to Uncommon Grounds by myself. Last week my poetry class met in a local coffee shop, attempting to puzzle through Coleridge and Wordsworth as the espresso machine ground and steamed. And yesterday, my Hipster friends/colleagues and I met at the local Starbucks to catch up after vacation. We lingered as the snow started falling and the sky turned dark, planning wine club and talking about adventures from our more youthful days, while sipping tea and lattes.
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