about bliss

Sunday, January 11, 2009

daily bliss: moon shine

Last night I stayed up late reading Breaking Dawn, the last installment of the Twilight series. I had hope to finish reading the tome, but at about page 572 all my reading energy had been drained away. As I left my couch for the comforts of my bedroom (see previous post), I noticed the bright light of the moon calling me outside. I cracked open the door to the porch to see a landscape transformed into magical oppositions of bluest black sky, sparkling snow, and long, precise shadows. The moon glowed overhead, surrounded by a pantheon of stars shimmering in the frigid night. Nary a breeze rippled through the trees, and the silence remained unbroken as not a single car ventured down the road. A singular moment of purity and clarity rippled through my heart, and then I sleepily ventured to bed.

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