Yesterday morning I started working on my paper presentation for the popular culture association conference in April. I'm writing about food and romance in Jennifer Crusie and Bob Mayer's novel Agnes and the Hitman. The first step is re-reading the novel and writing down pertinent scenes and random ideas.
I couldn't stop thinking of those pecan sour cream pancakes Agnes makes for a whole kitchen full of mobsters and misfits.
And so, this morning, when the snow kept me away from my plans (yoga class and brunch at the Craverie with my friend A), I decided to make pancakes. I googled sour cream pancakes, and several of my fellow TWD bloggers popped up. They're also part of the Barefoot Bloggers, baking through Ina Garten's recipes, and this recipe was one of hers.
I followed Ina's recipe with a few modifications--I omitted bananas and lemon, and added cinnamon and pecans. Topped with a smidgen of organic butter and maple syrup from my friends' farm, these pancakes are a light, delicious treat and a delightful diversion from my everyday oatmeal!
Yes. I agree. Pancakes are absolutely blissful. Your variation sounds delightful. YUM!